We got to go swimming!! The boys had a blast and did NOT want to leave. On the way out the door Sam pushed a button on the wall... only to call 911. Oops. I tried to explain it was an accident, but then reworded it to tell her my 2-year-old pushed the call button by MISTAKE. Yeah. They were not too happy, and we got out of there pretty quickly! Thanks a lot Sam.

Sam is in his big boy bed! We decorated his room in all Thomas (of course) and he LOVES his bed. Thanks Great Nanny and Uncle Russ for bringing it to us all the way from North Dakota!!

Train Man.

It was a really warm day, but it was pretty soggy out from all the melted snow. That didn't stop Sam! He had a great time splashing and running through the puddles!

We had an episode where Secret Agent Sam climbed up on a chair and snatched the
Ovaltine from the cabinet. He took it upstairs to his room, opened it, and dumped it all over the floor. I found him running his trucks through it and scooping it into his backhoe. I guess he thought it was dirt, or a good imitation of it. (Certainly tastes better!) I thought I cleaned it all up, but I must have missed some under the bed. Moose decided to make herself useful and crawled under the bed to clean it up for me... except she misjudged her size and got stuck. Troy thought this was hysterical and wanted to lay next to her to be "stuck" with her. Funny stuff!

Sam cleaning out the cabinet to make room for the Yahtzee game.
Mmmmm... hot chocolate!
Moosey playing basketball!

I'm not sure what is bigger- Troy or his hair!!
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