Troy watches the other kids do their excersizes. But he gets right in the pool with Instructor Ashley and his buddy Michael. Brian jumping off the high dive. Troy is the whitest kid in the pool! Eating grandma's cake frosting.
These photos run backwards- so this was the end of the night. Sammy and his dimples! Dinner! (and lots of rain) Troy and Ian. (It wasn't too long ago that Brian was holding Troy like this!) CAKE!! The Burns Clan
Uncle D and Aunt Gerry Corey was soaked from the water fight that had only just begun. (Notice Tom in the background picking up the hose) The girls. Vanessa and Bryson
Troy on his scooter (a different day) Sammy and the pool full of water guns. Troy and a water balloon. Dorito face Aunt Lynn and Aunt Roni