Grandpa playing for Troy. Every time he stopped Troy said, "Play more song." We had a nice visit with my grandparents in Cary, NC. I was glad we were close enough to see them and despite Tom and Sammy having colds we had a great time!
Sammy contained on Dad's shoulders. (Tom looks so mad because Sam just smacked him in the head- that's why Sam is laughing.) Baby blues. Grandma came to visit!!! (and Aunt Geri too) Unfortunately, I forgot to bring my camera along on our adventures. Sam contained again. Are you noticing a pattern?
Every time we go outside Troy goes one way and Sam runs the other. Aren't they so cute? We are very serious today and seriously need haircuts! Typical Sam face.
Troy and Fuzzy. Sammy the corn man. It kinda looks like he is trying to smoke it instead of eat it. Sam-in-the-box. Jedi Troy. He's so cute and growing up so fast. He started potty training this past week. I guess he decided it was time on his own because his diapers barely fit anymore.
In other news- Tom and I celebrated our 2nd anniversary last week. Where does the time go???